Today’s Horoscope (17th Augus, 2019)


Even though you’re only a few days into the New Year, you may feel peeved that things aren’t going according to plan. Key responsibilities could conflict with a desire to explore new ideas and opportunities. And with Mercury retrograde from Tuesday and Jupiter rewinding from Thursday, other people could seem to cause delays in the coming weeks. On Friday, you might also register a note of disappointment concerning someone’s behavior. You’ll do just fine if you amp up your willpower and continue on.


What happens this week could affect your determination to stick with your New Year’s resolutions. Even so, the presence of Mars in Scorpio does give you enhanced willpower. Some of your plans may be subject to delays, however, as Mercury begins its backward dance and Jupiter also rewinds. You’ll need to be patient and keep your wits about you if you are to get as much done as you hope. The New Moon in Capricorn can encourage positive change in a key relationship.


Just as you’re hitting your stride things begin to look a little unsettled. You might have to lower your expectation of 2016 starting off on a dynamic note. Instead, you could find yourself having to review plans and reconsider certain decisions. It’s also possible that a love affair or romance could prove disappointing this week, causing you to wonder whether it’s right for you. For now, avoid being too adventurous and stick to things that are fairly easy to accomplish.


Even though your mind power is strong now and in the coming weeks, you could experience some setbacks as Mercury, your personal planet, and Jupiter in your sign turn retrograde. Indeed, you might feel this in a particularly personal way, with key projects and ideas subject to complications and delays. Nevertheless, the New Moon in Capricorn can be helpful for doing the groundwork associated with a creative project. Once Mercury pushes forward again IMG 20190817 WA0006 in the month it will be time to make a start.


It could be all too easy to get sidetracked unless you have very clear objectives this week, particularly as both Mercury and Jupiter begin a retrograde phase, which only adds confusion and delays to the mix. You might find that you have to be particularly businesslike when it comes to getting things done.


Mars in your sign boosts your energy, giving you greater determination to overcome obstacles in your path. And this is all to the good at this time, as you’ll find you have a greater ability to handle the Mercury and Jupiter retrogrades, which begin this week. As Mercury moves back into Capricorn you’ll have the opportunity to review plans and perhaps to take a fresh look at any deals that interest you. However, if you can avoid committing now it could save you a lot of hassle later.


With 2016 now underway, you might need to take one or two steps back before you can move ahead. This is due to both Mercury and Jupiter entering their retrograde phase this week, which could derail certain plans. If you feel disappointed at your lack of progress, don’t! This can be an excellent opportunity to review your goals and mission statement for the year ahead. If you’re feeling less than enthused about one of your ideas, this is the time to make changes.


Although this is a week of decisions and new beginnings for you, things may not be quite so clear cut as they seem. With Mercury rewinding in your sign and Jupiter turning retrograde in your zone of travel and adventure, you may need to check out a few things before you can get going. Indeed, the New Moon in your sign on January 9 can be an invitation to get your act together before you make a move. Doing so could help you avoid unnecessary complications.


Today you’ll likely find that you begin to make real progress on a project that may have been stagnating for a while, Aquarius. You can’t help but feel gratified that all of your hard work is finally beginning to pay off. Good for you! You have earned every success that is due to come your way. But don’t rest on your laurels! Continue to work hard so that you can achieve even greater recognition.


You have a keen mind, Pisces, and are always absorbing new bits of information. What is amazing is how much of it you manage to retain. Today, however, even your considerable brain may be taxed beyond its limits. At work you may feel overwhelmed by the mass of information to sort through. At home there may be books and magazines piled up that you’re anxious to read. Consider taking the evening off from intellectual pursuits. There is something to be said for passive entertainment.


Have you made plans to have a romantic interest come to your home, Aries? If so, don’t rush to get ready. Your friend is probably going to be late. Events beyond anyone’s control have interfered, and you might have to wait. Don’t make yourself crazy over it. Don’t imagine all kinds of horrible scenarios. Your friend will show up even if later than planned. Have fun!


A visitor to your house may have some juicy gossip for you, Taurus. Perhaps someone is getting married. You aren’t the type to put too much stock in gossip, but your guest could be so convincing that you believe everything. Be skeptical! What you’re hearing may not be outright lies, but it could be exaggerated. Wait until you see the people in question before accepting it as truth.

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